Tokyo’s Election Poster Boards are Out of Control

Unseen Japan
6 min readJun 24, 2024

A legal loophole has enabled one party to “hijack” the official election boards for the Tokyo governor’s race. The result is pure chaos.

Picture: heisj / PIXTA(ピクスタ)

By Jay Allen

Official election boards are common in Japan. The large white boards set up throughout Japan’s neighborhoods are the only places candidates running for office are legally allowed to post posters promoting their candidacy.

However, one political party is doing the best it can to create chaos with the poster boards. Things have gotten so heated that some upset citizens have resorted to tearing the posters down — a serious crime.

What’s got everyone so upset? Most of the brouhaha boils down to one man.

Japan’s craziest crazy party

Like every democracy, Japan has a number of political parties and candidates whose only goal is attracting attention. Some of these candidates are making a statement on the larger system itself, critiquing how fundamentally broken things are. Others are advancing their own pet causes or conspiracy theories. Most, however, simply want to be seen — and make money off their…

