Tokyo Marathon 2025 To Include Nonbinary and Disabled People

Unseen Japan
3 min read5 days ago

The Tokyo Marathon, saying it wants to be the most inclusive race in the world, is adding nonbinary and Duo categories this year.

Picture: Canva

By Himari Semans

Japan has faced international scrutiny for its harsh treatment of non-traditional gender identities. While the only G7 nation that has yet to legalize same-sex marriage has a long way to go, the next Tokyo Marathon plans to put inclusivity on full display.

Tokyo Marathon to be more inclusive

The Tokyo Marathon will add a non-binary category for runners starting next year, as all six World Marathon Majors have done. In another step towards inclusivity, Tokyo will introduce the opportunity for people with cerebral palsy and other conditions to participate.

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation said in a statement on Monday that it “will be adding the non-binary option to gender selection and trialing the introduction of Duo Teams” from the March 2025 race.

The Duo Team program consists of teams of two runners — one that pushes a “customized special buggy,” in which goes the second who has a…

