Meet the Japanese Politician Who Won’t Show Up for Work

Why a joke legislator from a joke party fled Japan to avoid some very serious charges — and whether he’s ever coming back.

Unseen Japan
6 min readMar 15, 2023

By Jay Allen

Gaassy out-running the law

An elected politician in Japan hasn’t been to work since his election. That’s because he’s fled the country. And if you follow Japanese politics at all, you can probably guess which party he belongs to. Meet GaaSsy (ガーシー), Japan’s only active elected official with a goose-egg for an attendance record.

Welcome to the…Female Politicians 48 Party?!

NHK Party flier
A flier for the NHK Party (now the Female Politicians 48 Party), expounding upon its mission of eliminating the NHK broadcast fee. In his speech bubble, party chairman Tachibana Takashi says, “I’ll destroy the NHK” (Picture by the author)

Some people think all politicians are a joke. But in Japan, one party’s politicians stand out for their militant unseriousness and their brazen antics.

How brazen? Well, in the time between drafting this article and finishing it, the party changed its name.

I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised. This is only the eighth time.

The party began life in 2013 as the No Payment of the NHK Broadcast Fee Party (NHK受信料不払い党; NHK jushinnryou fubarai tou). Founder…

