How Long Does a Japan Subway Card Last, Anyway?

Got a Suica or Pasmo card sitting in a desk drawer for your next visit to Japan? Here’s how long you have until it deactivates for good.

Unseen Japan
4 min readSep 21, 2023

By Jay Allen

Japan subway card - Suica card

If you’ve traveled to Japan, chances are you still have a Suica, PASMO, or ICOCA card sitting in a desk drawer somewhere. But how long do you have until it expires?

Ubiquitous cards going digital

Enoden line in Enoshima
The famous Enoden line in Enoshima. (Picture: まちゃー / PIXTA(ピクスタ))

Japan is the second largest consumer of rail services in the world. Its average 2,142km of travel per person per year ranks it only behind Sweden. So it’s no surprise that transit cards are an important part of daily life here.

Japan’s major rail companies all offer their own version of a transit card based on Japan’s native FeliCa IC chip. And the cards are useful for far more than just travel. You can use the most popular cards — particularly Japan Railways East’s Suica card and the PASMO Corporation’s PASMO card — to make purchases at supermarkets, convenience stores (combinis), and more.

